Melody Day (멜로디데이) first appeared around February 2014, when there were a lot of sexy comebacks (Girl's Day, AoA, Dal Shabet and Rainbow Blaxx).
The group had 3 members then, and with Another Parting it looked that they were a ballad group, similar to Davichi.
In October Yoomin was added as the 4th member, with the other members being Yeoeun, Yein and Chahee. This June they had their comeback with #LoveMe:
Οι Melody Day (멜로디데이) πρωτοεμφανίστηκαν το Φεβρουάριο του 2014, όταν είχαμε μια σειρά από sexy comebacks (Girl's Day, AoA, Dal Shabet και Rainbow Blaxx).
Τότε ήταν 3μελές το γκρουπ, και με το Another Parting φαινόταν ότι θα ήταν ένα γκρουπ όπως οι Davichi, δηλαδή μόνο μπαλάντες.
Τον Οκτώβριο στις Yeoeun, Yein και Chahee προστέθηκε η Yoomin και τώρα τον Ιούνιο έχουν το δεύτερο mini album τους με το τραγούδι #LoveMe: